NEW! Guide to Virtual Learning with Quest for Success.


Thank you for your commitment to preparing all students for career, community, and life success. Now more than ever, it’s important that our young people have the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to effectively navigate uncertain futures and we appreciate your patience and flexibility in adjusting your instructional delivery approach to help get them there.

As you teach Quest for Success (QfS), we expect and encourage you to make adjustments to best meet the needs of your students and community, including using available technology, while still ensuring fidelity of implementation. It is important to stay focused on the primary learning objectives; key course content — scope, sequencing, and, as much as possible, general pacing of the curriculum; and instructional design approach (including integration of technology and lots of opportunity for teacher and peer feedback).

Central to the design of QfS is the utilization of essential design elements for high-quality project based learning. As you consider your shift to online instruction, consider viewing this webinar on how to adapt a gold standard project for online learning or this webinar to understand tech tools that can be used to support online project based learning.

We know that doing this won’t be easy, so we wanted to share a few more ideas and resources for adapting Quest for Success to a virtual environment. As always, we also encourage you to consult all appropriate state and district policies, guidelines, and resources.

Likewise, as you continue to adapt your instruction, we look to you to learn about what works and solicit your help sharing promising practices with others across the district and the country. We hope that you will continue to share your points of pride, lessons learned, and implementation challenges. Where appropriate, we’ll do our best to disseminate promising practices and related resources from the field.


Virtual Student Notebook


Course Customization Guide